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Sankurusu is a game developer based in Brazil with a very simple objective: we want to give a real break from the rush and day-to-day tasks that afflict us all.

Good plots, good settings and games without complicated mechanics are the points that guide all our production.

C. S. Lewis once said that if we truly immerse ourselves to reading a good book, we’ll be leaving the experience carrying more luggage than when we started. In the same way, we are also looking to provide experiences that are not only fun, but also in some ways enriching.

After all, we want you to have a similar experience with our games!

That, however, it is not just up to Sankurusu. A good experience may not be imposed upon anyone. Therefore, let’s go together, developer and players, to enhance and complete this goal!

Explore our sections in English using the links below!


Our Games


